Append multiple code blocks to a single noweb reference

Org replaces noweb references to code blocks. For example, a code named code block like this:

#+name: articles
#+begin_src html
  <li><a href="/one/">My first article</a></li>

Can be added to another code block by using a noweb reference:

#+begin_src html
A list of my articles:


Which produces an HTML snippet like this:

A list of my articles:

  <li><a href="/one/">My first article</a></li>

To append multiple code blocks to a single reference, use the noweb-ref header argument for multiple code blocks:

#+headers: :noweb-ref articles
#+begin_src html
  <li><a href="/two/">My newest article</a></li>

#+headers: :noweb-ref articles
#+begin_src html
  <li><a href="/one/">My first article</a></li>

By using the <<articles>> reference like before, both code blocks are added to the document:

A list of my articles:

  <li><a href="/one/">My first article</a></li>
  <li><a href="/two/">My second article</a></li>

Block separators

By default, the included blocks are separated by a single newline. To change the separator, set the :noweb-sep header on each block that has a :noweb-ref header1:

#+headers: :noweb-ref articles
#+headers: :noweb-sep "\n\n"
#+begin_src html
  <li><a href="/two/">My newest article</a></li>

#+headers: :noweb-ref articles
#+headers: :noweb-sep "\n\n"
#+begin_src html
  <li><a href="/one/">My first article</a></li>

Which produces the following output:

A list of my articles:

  <li><a href="/one/">My first article</a></li>

  <li><a href="/two/">My second article</a></li>

  1. Technically, only setting the :noweb-ref on the first block would suffice, the separator is only added between code blocks. ↩︎