Jeff Kreeftmeijer

StillMaintained is still being maintained


tl;dr StillMaintained got a bunch of awesome new features. Be sure to have a look and add your projects!

Two weeks ago, I launched StillMaintained: a simple application that makes it easy to give your Github projects a state and create nice status pages for them.

Since then, a bunch of issues were created and a lot of work has been done. In this article I’ll go over some of the coolest new stuff.

Soon: New design

Okay, this isn’t really done yet, but we are too excited about it to keep it a secret. Over the last two weeks, @ivanasetiawan has been doing some awesome work creating a proper design for StillMaintained. Here’s a quick preview, we’re doing our best to get it up soon.

Organization support

Since you can’t log in as an organization on Github, it was impossible to add any projects that weren’t started by an actual user when StillMaintained launched.

Using Github’s Organizations API, StillMaintained got organization support last week.

If you log in via Github now, the projects of the organizations you’re a member of are editable by you. If you add them to the list, the organization they belong to gets its own page and the project gets a status page like any other.

Did you add your projects already? You can just log in again to update your projects and add projects from organizations you’re a member of.


Thanks to @matsimitsu, StillMaintained got a very simple API allowing you to fetch data in JSON format:

$ curl
{"name":"fuubar","created_at":"2010/11/30 07:09:55 +0000","watchers":92,"updated_at":"2010/12/09 21:21:16 +0000","_id":"4cf3c2a6f9d9006a5d00000b","description":"The instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter","visible":true,"user":"jeffkreeftmeijer","state":"maintained"}

You can get any page in JSON by adding .json after the URL. Be sure to let me know if you create anything awesome with it.

Status buttons

To be able to tell your users the state of your project while not on StillMaintained, Robert and I added nice self-updating status buttons you can embed in your project’s README on Github (or anywhere else you’d like).

If your project is listed on StillMaintained, you can simply embed the image like this:

  <a href="">
    <img src="" />

Oh, and be sure to check out this Gist for more information.

And more

StillMaintained also has search and state filtering, project descriptions and the lists are ordered by project popularity to name a few more. Be sure to check it out and if you have any great ideas: it’s on Github, so be sure to create issues or even fork the project and get your hands dirty yourself.

So, what do you think? Do you like the new design and the new features?